ecomix australia
Premium Cocopeat manufacturER
Sustainable cocopeat manufacturing Facilities
Total Quality
Environment Sustainability
Social Accountability
Precision Particle
Who we are ?
ECOMIX Australia works with world leading companies and scientists to develop and manufacture bespoke services and products. We are targeting crop solutions to achieve sustainable agricultural practises. This has been achieved through optimal crop quality, improved yields, disease resistance, stress resistance reduce fertiliser usage, environmentally stable chemistry, minimising crop wastage, improve substrate health and management…
Why choose us?
At Ecomix, we recognize the myriad of options available for coir products in the market. That’s why we aim to stand out as your preferred coir product partner by offering a comprehensive package of benefits tailored to meet your specific needs. By integrating these principles into cocopeat production, manufacturers can enhance product quality, streamline production processes, reduce costs, and ultimately deliver superior cocopeat…
Precision Particle Technology
In the realm of manufacturing growing media, particularly in compressed grow bags or blocks, Precision Particle Technology (PPT) assumes a pivotal role. This specialized technology is instrumental in achieving the optimal particle size, composition, and arrangement necessary for fostering ideal physical properties that promote successful plant growth…
Substrate CARE
Hydroponic cocopeat growing media substrate care using Root flush can be an effective technique for maintaining a healthy and well-balanced environment for plant growth in a soilless system. Root flush can aid in ensuring proper moisture distribution, nutrient absorption, and overall substrate health. Here’s how to incorporate Root flush into your hydroponic growing media substrate care routine…
Our Locations
AUSTRALIAMelbourne |
USALos Angeles |
UKEngland OTHERSouth Korea |