Product Categories
100% Cocopeat
100% Cocochips
Cocopeat/Chips Blends

Ecomix Australia’s coir substrates have earned a strong reputation, especially for the cultivation of crops in growbags, pots or similar growing systems. Whether managing operations in a poly tunnel, greenhouse or a glasshouse, Ecomix’s team of experts and representatives are readily available to help to choose the most suitable product tailored to specific system, environmental conditions, and budget. Ecomix’s coir substrates and blends stand out for their effectiveness and cost-efficiency. They are shipped in semi compressed and compressed form, making setup easy and convenient. The common forms are 5kg blocks, 650 grm bricks, 5 cubic meter bales, 50L bags. Furthermore, Ecomix’s cutting-edge technology PPT (Particle Precision Technology) guarantees that the physical properties of the medium are specifically engineered to ensure optimal root development for the crops

5kg blocks – 100% cocopeat
Ecomix premium 100% cocopeat comes in compressed 5Kg Blocks. Ecomix processes high quality raw materials, removing super fine particles and other impurities. All compressed products processed under specified moisture level. Ecomix compressed 5kg blocks expands more than 70L.

5kg blocks – 100% cocochips
Ecomix premium 100% cocochips comes in compressed 5Kg Blocks. Ecomix processes using high quality raw materials. Ecomix compressed 5kg cocochips blocks comes in various grades (Micro chips, small, Medium, Large).

5kg blocks – cocopeat / chips blend
Ecomix premium 5kg blocks – cocopeat / chips blend comes in compressed 5Kg Blocks with different mixing ratios of Cocopeat / Cocochips / Fiber according to growers specifications.

650 gram bricks
Ecomix premium 100% cocopeat comes in compressed 650 Gram Bricks. Ecomix processes using high quality raw materials, removing super fine particles and other impurities. Also under specified moisture level. Ecomix compressed 650 gram bricks expands to maximum volume.

RETAIL GARDENING blocks & bricks
5kg Retail gardening blocks are designed for retail sale and are commonly used by home gardeners, hobbyists, and small-scale growers , often used in gardening and horticultural applications. These blocks are supplied in various designs and mixing ratios for market needs.

5cu m bales
Ecomix premium Bales comes in semi compressed forms. These bales can be manufactured with various mixing ratios of Cocopeat / Cocochips / Fiber / Pearlite according to growers specifications.

Ecomix premium Propagation Mix comes in semi compressed bales and 50L Bags manufactured with various mixing ratios of Cocopeat / Pearlite according to growers specifications.


BLEND | PROPRIETARY (CUSTOMISABLE) 100% COCOPEAT 70/30 30/70 60/40 40/60 50/50 100% COCOCHIPS |
EC | 0.3 TO 0.6 mS/cm 0.6 TO 1.0 mS/cm 2.0 TO 3.0 mS/cm |
pH | 4.5 to 5.5 5.5 to 6.5 |
AFP | 18%-24% 20%-28% 25%-32% |
WHC | 45%-50% 50%-55% 55%-60% |
Plant Holes, Dripper Holes & Drain Holes all are Customizable upon requirement | |
Ec Testing Method is 1:1.5 ratio in Demi water Buffered Material Bacl2 Report available |